Saturday, September 7, 2013

Seashells from the Bay of Bengal

I promised I would write, and here I am.

In my opinion, there is nothing that sounds quite as magical and romantic as "seashells from the Bay of Bengal". I just love saying it, reading it, thinking about it. Rebecca and I spent part of the morning on the beach today collecting seashells and trying to avoid the waves, quite unsuccessfully on both accounts. Well, that isn't completely true because we did find some shells. It is quite unfortunate that India doesn't have a good way to deal with waste; I say that because we can't swim because of all the bacteria and small crawling things that could infect us that live in that water. The water is just so beautiful. There are some rocks out and around in these outcroppings that would be perfect to climb when the tide is low. However, I value my life just a bit too much to do so.

I'm trying to think of things to mention or random incidents to describe...Brace yourself for this adventure into my mind...

Not too many nights ago, there was a thunderstorm that was unlike any I have been in for a long, long time. I don't think that I've mentioned this before, but forgive me if I have. It was about eleven at night and I had just drifted off into sleep. It was hot, so sleep was not restful. When I woke up, about half an hour later, it was POURING outside. The amount of rain that was coming down was ridiculous. Imagine a poorly filmed movie where they take all the water they can and just dump it and dump it to the point where you laugh because it was so unrealistic. That is how it was. I couldn't see to the end of the street. The palm trees around us were swaying in the wind and you could hear the rain as it hit the palm and magnolia leaves. Then the thunder. I went out onto my porch and watched it, the entire sky lit up with the lightning. I don't think I've ever heard thunder sound as though it came from the splitting of the sky before. It was as though the entire seam of the universe was coming undone with a horrendous ripping sound. I loved it!! Every time it happened, there was a reaction in the pit of my stomach that instantly reminded me of nights curled up under the covers clutching my stuffed animals. It was a kind of primal fear, it was beautiful and so exhilarating! Linsey and I were both out on the porch when those thunder claps happened and it was all we could both do to not scream. Wish you could see what I saw! But, I wish that about everything. So we must do what we can.

Oh! Here is something pleasant. If you have a weak stomach, I can promise you that you do not want to read on. So just skip to the line and all will be well. No, this is not about feces (which, again, is everywhere. I keep seeing it and the first thing that goes through my head is 'I hope this isn't human' and sometimes it isn't but then sometimes it is. Delightful). This is about my yoga class this morning.

As you see in my hand, there are two things in my hands. The one that is white and looks like a tea pot is what we, in America, know as a Neti Pot. This is something which you use to clear out excess mucus when you are sick or just have, well, excess mucus. You dissolve some salt in lukewarm water, put it in the pot, sick the spout in one nostril and turn to that side so that the salinated water runs up one side and down the other. The key is making sure that you tilt your head correctly so that it doesn't go through your mouth. I've done this at home before and it works wonders! It is really rather pleasant when all things are said and done (even though it feels like you are drowning your first time). It is a little crazy, but nothing like that little, red, rubber tube you see me holding. Now that is something I've never tried before in the whole course of my life, nor had planned to. However, the opportunity presented itself and I figured it would be good to try out. What you do with that little guy is you stick it down one nostril and you pull the end you stuck in through your nose out by way of your mouth and then you have an end coming out our nose and one out your mouth. Then you proceed to do a push-pull maneuver to get out excess mucus. Then repeat on the other side. I was a little nervous during this whole thing because I had always thought it was something that immature and crazy little boys did with noodles...but no. Here I was surrounded by people who thought it was the most normal thing in the world and I was expected to snake it down my nose. So I did. And it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I have been blessed with a gag reflex that is not very active, so while I gagged enough to cry.. I didn't gag as much as other people! So, bonus?

Also, to complete the scene: there is another yogic technique for purification that involves the drinking of saline water on an empty stomach and then vomiting it all back up. So while we were doing this, there were more people around us actually throwing up and not just gagging. It was a lovely scene. Everyone critiquing the various methods of how to stick fingers down the throat to induce vomiting. One man was rather vocal when he would vomit, it sounded so exaggerated. Yet, I could look up and there he was. Puking on the side of the path. When we had finished our neti procedures, we went into the yoga hall and sat down in a meditative pose. While we were there beneath the fans in a peaceful mudra, you could hear the sounds of people throwing up outside. It was delightful.. It was one of those moments when I looked around and thought I am here. Not in America. Not going to classes. Not worrying about school and such. I am in India. Wow. Slightly crazy, but I loved it! People here don't think those things are weird, vomiting and nose things. Their attitude rubs off and I found myself just enjoying the culture.


You may begin reading again here if you avoided those last few paragraphs.

In the course of the next few weeks I am hoping to get some interviews and things done. There is a school around here for mentally handicapped kids and I am really excited because I get to volunteer there! The girl who was here before we were (well, we overlapped a week) went there every day and helped out. I just can't wait to do some good in the community! I thought there would be some NGOs or charities around here that I could get involved in when I got here, but there aren't any that I have found. Service is more a part of every day activities instead of a big deal like it can sometimes be in America. Also, since everyone has a job to do and a place in society it can be hard to get stuff done because you have to wait for the right person to come and do it. Service isn't the same because there is always someone to do something instead of needing a person to just help out.

Mmmm while I write I can hear the afternoon thunder rolling in. I love it, however, it means that the autos will be charging extra when we go to institute because of rain. Shoot.

I don't know..what else do you want to know? Just message me if there is an experience or thought that you want to hear about more or at all. We have a lot of deep discussions here about various intellectual concepts, so if you want those I can add them. I figure I'll just write about experiences and if you want to know my opinion on somethings that you can just ask me.

OHH I can Skype! So if you're reading this and you just can't bear the distance between us or you just want to chat or whatever the reason..we can skype! Honestly, I love skyping so if you want to then I am down. Add me: emilyywillis   Whenever I'm online, I am available. Easy rule to follow.

I think that about does it for today. Talk to you soon. Have a wonderful week. I'll end with a quote from one of my favorite movies: " Even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you. I love you." I hope that you are getting something out of my experience here in India. The reason I keep a blog is for you, in the hopes that something I do might make the smallest impression in your life to do something differently or better. If you just laugh at my stories, that is enough!

Till next time.

PS Linsey (one of the girls I am with) is a photography major and is basically a boss. If you want to see some REAL pictures of India check out her blog:

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